
Happiness for Beginners by Katherine Center
Happiness for Beginners by Katherine Center

Happiness for Beginners by Katherine Center Happiness for Beginners by Katherine Center

And how sometimes you just have to get really, really lost before you can even have a hope of being found. And, somehow the people who annoy her the most start teaching her the very things she needs to learn. Yet, despite everything, the vast wilderness has a way of making Helen’s own little life seem bigger, too. Thus begins the strangest adventure of Helen’s well-behaved life: three weeks in the remotest wilderness of a mountain range in Wyoming where she will survive mosquito infestations, a surprise summer blizzard, and a group of sorority girls. It’s supposed to be a chance for her to pull herself together again, but when she discovers that her brother’s even-more-annoying best friend is also coming on the trip, she can’t imagine how it will be anything other than a disaster. A year after getting divorced, Helen Carpenter, thirty-two, lets her annoying, ten years younger brother talk her into signing up for a wilderness survival course.

Happiness for Beginners by Katherine Center